Month Of July Highlight Reel.

-Slept in a mansion
-Bet on horses/lost
-Watched fireworks
-Rode in an airplane
-Broke into my locked car
-Learned Signal Flow (recording)
-Composed songs
-Hit a Kitten
-Sold my car
-Bought an Amp with my car money.
-Drank lots of vanilla coke
-Got my obnoxious roommates in trouble with the cops
-Fixed my Macbook
-Wrote lots of words
-Got a job as a Writing Tutor
-Got a TN drivers license (they put the wrong height)
-Said farewell to somebody who knows me well.
-Had a welcome home party at Chuck E Cheese
-Remained unemployed
-Took the Facebook Patronus quiz and received a bat.
-Ate Hibachi
-Bought vinyl

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