Back To School Autobiography 2

Very First Class...
Shuffling into an Astronomy lab that was as silent as space itself, i took a seat. Minutes passed quite quickly seeing how everyone was anxious for class to actually start (only in hopes that it may end quicker.) During this time, an odd over-bubbly girl hoisting a grande chai decided to occupy the chair next to me. Now these were the kind of adjustable chairs that are possessed apparently...because once that girl sat down, her seat shot straight up a good foot into the air, throwing her, and her chai, off the seat and into an unbalanced stumble forward. I bursted out with laughter and she thought i did that as a prank or something-throwing me an evil glare. Upon that moment, i thought it was an ideal time to offer a handshake and introduce myself. She then frowned, took a sip of her chai, and stated words i've heard far too many times.... "that wasn't very nice..." and found another seat.

5 mins later we became assigned lab partners : )

In other News...
I quit fast food forever at 5:05p.m yesterday. It was glorious. I felt like i had just escaped a concentration camp.

You can now find me working for a company called Weed Man Lawncare at a wage that fine dining chefs may envy. The position i am entitled is called "door knocker."

I also am scheduled to meet with a sketchy salesman at a starbucks off of exit 66 at 9 am tuesday about "employment opportunities"

Health Related Things...
-I bought everyday vitamins and feel like a million bucks every morning now.
-i'm back on my 100 push ups a day routine just because i can.
-i joined strip tease aerobics at the rec center...kidding! (well that's what i want you to think) actually i just really wanted to see my health related things section a little more interesting and the #1 journalism rule is "Sex Sells." Utilize this rule in any conversation and see how many heads turn, i dare you.

ummmm. OOO!

I was stood up for swing dance lessons, so i joined a band instead. The act consists of me and a very energetic, 30 year old, blind friend and we will put on a show in February called Nick and Stephen 90's Revival at Club 527. Be Prepared.

5 Quick Facts that you prob could care less about right now
1.) I'm reading a very funny graphic novel called the Complete Persepolis and the author just so happens to be coming to campus this semester. She's from Persia.
2.) Banana cheerios have brought me back to not only eating breakfast again....but actually waking up in time for breakfast.
3.) Copyright Law is already my favorite school course of all time and all we talked about was the syllabus so far.
4.) I got a free large butterfinger blizzard last night at Dairy Queen because i'm really lucky.
5.) Waiters at O' Charley's are always kooky it seems! and the prime rib pasta tasted like it was drenched it quesadilla sauce from taco bell. bleh... the rolls were awesome though!
6.) I can't count
7.) I know what it feels like to find a treasure map.
8.) i would like to be inspired to create more songs...startingggggg now!

Have a great life,

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