Icy Revelations-A Tale of Uncounsciousness

Journeying across the street to buy sandwich bread at midnight is perfectly normal by my standards. Afterall, I hadn't eaten all day and there was this sudden, yet desperate, craving for pb&j that came over me like a bad cold. Needless to say, i put on my thermal sweater (because for some unknown reason it became winter last night with 3 inches of snow while the day before it was clearly spring), set my sony earphones in place for rockin (i have this concept that music helps me withstand coldness), put my trusty winter hat on top o my head (you would think this were a pilgrimage), and set forth across the foggy winter night street...No i did not use the crosswalk thank you: Stephen Rebel West.

So in between my apartment and the grocery store is a Dairy Queen, a Car Wash, and a Gas Station... I always cut through the parking lots of these businesses cause they make nice shortcuts.

Little Did I Know!
that as i should pass through the car wash parking lot, I would slip on a patch of ice and knockout...yep knockout

So i lay unconscious in a freezing cold (literally) vacant lot at midnight listening to Silversun Pickups and Oh My Gawd! it must have been the greatest thing that's happened to me in a long time. The album was almost over when i would finally awake, however, I had some amazing revelations.

A.) Reality is our perception. Empty meaning allows you to add meaning
B.) I've received far more than I've given and shouldn't complain
C.) It's time to put this thinking to good use.
D.) Caring can hurt... but it's sooooo worth it! It's far better than the apathetic and detached feeling I've carried around for so long.
F.) The world can be really boring to me without imagination... i've always known this-i just always think about it cause it's true.

(Ever notice how the grading scale skips "E"...ABCDF)

....An hour later, i ate the best pb&j sammage ever.

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