The Great Barrier

Once upon a time there was a box. Inside that brown box made out of cardboard (which had 4 flaps for a lid) laid a picture. What that picture was of, is of no consequence, since the point of the picture was a purpose, that to me, is pointless.

Around the picture enfolded a frame. A polished frame that monogrammed the picture's pointless purpose along with the image of that purpose itself. That polished frame mended true thoughts with embellished sight. embellished site that only let true motive flash through in proportions that could not feed an amoeba. A forged site that put up a barrier between Actuality and Artificial. A barrier that took away the essence of the picture, which for the most part, was Actually imperfect rather than Artificially perfect.

Hence, the point is pointless.
Truth isn't given image, only hidden.

and that my friend, is the problem with people in regards to the barrier between following beliefs, and doing what's socially acceptable.

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